Policy and Procedure

Asset Management Policy

RAKTA seeks to apply the highest global asset management standards with the aim of achieving sustainability and applying the international standards for asset management to ensure sustainability, suitability and efficiency to be one of the continuous improvement inputs for asset performance in RAKTA and for making the suitable decisions, where this policy supports the strategic goal of RAKTA, “triple sustainability”.

This policy aims at the following:
  • Illustrating the concepts of asset management.

  • Illustrating the procedures of asset management in terms of the classifications, asset life cycle, inventory and registration procedures for these assets.

  • Administrative reviews and their importance in the sustainability, suitability and efficiency of the assets of RAKTA.

  • Illustrating the levels and areas of review, its periodicity, and its timing, and following up the recommendations concluded from the review operations.

  • Illustrating the general framework of the audit process on the asset management system and illustrating the corrective and preventive measures thereto.

  • The general description and the steps related to the management of the asset information that include the determination of the required information, planning, information acquisition, maintenance, operation, archiving and disposal of information.

Business Continuity

RAK Transport Authority is fully aware of its legal duties towards reducing the impact of the disruption of the operations of the transportation system and its supporting facilities in Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, in addition to the continuity to provide the vital and important services by using the daily contact and communication means for the purpose of performing the business normally. From this basis, the policy of business continuity management system came to determine all the practices and procedures related to business continuity management in RAK Transport Authority. This policy includes the conditions and responsibilities required for performing the following :

  • Business continuity in case of a disruption of the vital works which may cause an emergency case or a crisis that leads in its turn to

  • A disruption in the basic services of RAKTA.

  • Reducing the financial impacts, including the loss of the assets, the legal impacts and other impacts related to the reputation of RAKTA and material impacts.

  • That may result from such a disruption.

  • This policy is linked to the fourth strategic goal of RAKTA “Triple Sustainability”.

Objectives of Policy

This policy aims at illustrating that the business continuity management system includes all the critical operations / services in RAKTA that may be disrupted because of emergency cases / crises in a way that may hinder RAKTA’s ability to continue performing the operations and providing the main services.

The business continuity management system has been set in RAKTA for the purpose of determining the requirements necessary for the services / operations that have been identified

as critical and working for retrieving them in case of emergency cases / crises, thus working for determining the measures of emergency response in relation to the applications, the used systems, the infrastructure and the reserve human resources necessary in case of the disruption of the services that affect the customers and all the concerned categories in RAKTA and the stakeholders, in order to achieve the following :

  • Enabling and applying an appropriate level of business continuity management in RAKTA which would ensure the effective response to any disruption in the vital works that may escalate to the level of an emergency case / crisis .

  • Enabling the continuity of the critical operations and services in case of the occurrence of an emergency case / crisis such as the main failures in the information systems or in case of the non-availability of any of the main requirements to complete the works.

  • Ensuring the performance of all the activities and procedures related to the business continuity in a definite and organized manner.

  • Achieving a level of business continuity in line with the current requirements of RAKTA and maintaining it in the manner that meets the requirements of change in the operations and services.

Corporate Governance

This policy determines the guidelines necessary for the implementation of the framework of the corporate governance effectively. Governance is considered of the basic elements in risk managing, and it includes the following objectives :

  • Illustrating the concepts of asset management.

  • RAKTA’s commitment to apply all the legislations, laws, administrative decisions and circulars effectively and comprehensively.

  • Setting the framework of corporate governance in consistence with ISO Standards (19600-2014) and the best international and national practices, and setting an approach for the systems and controls related to governance characterized by a proactive nature in order to reduce the cases of non-compliance before their occurrence.

  • Setting policies and clear procedures for the corporate governance that cover all the operational aspects associated with the responsibilities related to governance or that may result in corporate risks.

  • Setting a program for self-evaluation related to corporate governance and observing the performance for the purpose of providing continuous feedback in relation to all the departments and organizational units in RAKTA.

  • Providing continuous learning and training and the guidance principles to the employees and those in charge of the implementation of the corporate governance obligations.

  • Managing the communication process related to governance at the level of RAKTA that would keep the senior management up to date with the new changing legislative requirements.

  • Enhancing the capability of RAKTA to carry out the duties assigned to it in the optimal way.

Easy Access

RAKTA seeks through the website to facilitate the processes and procedures of accessing the data and information easily and conveniently by all the categories of the website browsers including the people with disabilities in order to ensure the easy acquisition of the information or the completion of their transactions. RAKTA uses on its website the optimal browsing standards of the websites common in use.

  • Color Blindness : Browsing by using a high contrast background color.

  • Print : Browsing and printing any of the website contents.

  • Language : The accessibility through the property of choosing the language (Arabic / English).

  • Font Size : The website affords to increase the size of the page and the font.

  • Search : The website affords the property of searching for any word through the available search engine.

  • Quick Links : The website affords a collection of quick links that facilitate access to the service or the required information easily.

  • Smart Services : RAKTA affords the possibility of browsing by the smartphones, in addition to the smart services it provides through the smart devices to facilitate and simplify the customer’s experience.

  • Show of Services :The website includes the accessibility to all RAKTA’s services.

  • Social Media Channels : The website has the property of showing the customer the addresses of the social media websites of RAKTA which enables the user to easily add and follow up the RAKTA’s website.

  • Happiness Indicator : RAKTA seeks through providing the happiness indicator to assess the customer’s experience about the website which contributes to developing and improving the website content to ensure the quality of the website services through the website.

Health and Safety

The corporate risks management is related to the risk management culture of the individuals, operations and structures directed towards the effective management of the potential opportunities and the negative impacts on the environment within RAKTA. The purpose of this policy is to clarify and explain the basic approach of RAKTA concerning the risks and their management in order to meet the requirements of effective governance.

Through this policy, RAKTA seeks to implement the practices (operations) of the overall corporate risk management of RAKTA, and to clarify how to manage the risks and the individual and functional responsibilities necessary to achieve the business objectives. This policy also summarizes all the necessary directives and instructions for risk management. This policy directly supports the fourth strategic goal “triple sustainability”, and it also indirectly supports all the other strategic objectives.

The main motives for the corporate risk management of RAKTA are :
  • Ensure that the individuals and the departments identify and manage the risks necessary to achieve the objectives of RAKTA.

  • Improve the process of strategic and tactical decision making.

  • Fulfill the responsibilities of corporate governance.

Provide adequate guarantees for the concerned parties and stakeholders.

Innovation Policy

RAK Transport Authority is committed to applying the requirements of innovation management system (ISO 56002:2019). It is as well committed to the continuous improvement of the plans, operations, activities, initiatives and results of innovation management and its integration in its operations, activities and in its individual, collective and corporate knowledge.

The senior management continuously seeks to sponsor the culture of creativity, innovation, encouragement for knowledge transfer, and enhancement of positive creative behavior which adds value to all the concerned parties and enhances their performance and productivity and develops its operations represented in enacting the legislations and in regulating, developing and controlling the transportation sector and licensing its activities, and which ensures an integrated and efficient transportation sector in the Emirate, and which represents the scope of applying the innovation system of RAKTA.

The senior management of RAKTA is committed to applying the specification of innovation and to fulfill :
  • All the legal and legislative requirements related to innovation management.

  • All the requirements of the internal and external concerned parties.

  • The requirements of the intellectual property, ethical conduct and sustainable development in all their various dimensions.

  • The requirements of enhancing the knowledge and functional competencies of the individuals and work teams and committees.

  • The requirements of enhancing the corporate possibilities and capabilities and providing effective channels of creative ideas.

Moreover, the senior management seeks to make the creativity, innovation and pioneering the prevailing culture at all levels, and to encourage all the concerned parties inside and outside RAKTA to present creative ideas that enhance the work system in RAK Transport Authority and enhance the ability to respond, adapt and adopt the approach of pioneering, competitiveness and preparedness for the future. The senior management is as well committed to providing the best channels and tools that ensure building up individual, collective and corporate knowledge rules, their governance and updating them according to the best practices. It also adopts initiatives that enhance the maturity levels of our creative and innovative systems and achieve our strategic vision of innovation, and unite the efforts towards achieving our main strategic goals in the field of innovation, represented in :

  • Sponsorship and development of the knowledge and innovative culture.

  • Enhancement of innovative maturity.

  • Development of the capabilities of the human knowledge capital and innovation.

  • Increase of the revenue value to the concerned parties from the applied innovations.

  • Enhancement of the maturity level of the innovation system governance.

The policy of innovation is proclaimed and understood by all. It will be revised constantly to ensure the continuity of its appropriateness in consistence with the best practices in the field of innovation.

Open Data

RAKTA’s vision to achieve sustainability was materialized through achieving a sustainable management based on knowledge in order to ensure the achievement of its strategy to contribute in its turn to the development of the transportation sector and the upgrading of its electronic and smart systems. RAKTA seeks to adopt rules and principles based on transparency and cooperation through ensuring and affording the opportunity to peruse the data produced by RAKTA with no restrictions in the transportation sector, in agreement with the rules of the general legislations and the best practices, through posting the electronic information and updating it on an ongoing bases. The open data policy sets the bases for ensuring the cooperation and participation of the public towards creating and developing high value services.

Policy Goals

This policy aims at clarifying the procedures and the general framework of managing the open data on the website of RAKTA and the controls regulating it, which include :

  • The website disclaimer document.

  • Terms and Conditions “A” on the website.

  • Privacy Policy on the website.

  • The data that can be used within the open data.

  • Defining the general principles for the open data which will contribute in their turn to enhancing the informatic culture.

  • Facilitating the application of the best practices for the principles of the open data in RAKTA.

Partnership Management

Within the framework of RAKTA’s permanent endeavors to meet the increasing needs of the infrastructure of the transportation and communication sector, with the limited available financial resources and budgets, there has been an increasing need of involving the private sector to take advantage of its financial and technical capacities by providing the required capital to finance the government programs and projects, and consequently providing the public funds to the basic economic and social programs.

The partnership between the public sector and the private sector is considered of the important roles that grant the private sector the capacity to execute the projects and services related to the transportation and communication sector, with the continuity of the public sector in maintaining its responsibility towards the governance and controlling the provision of a comprehensive service to the public and society through long term contractual operations that bring together the two parties and give the private sector a role in rehabilitating, building, operating, maintaining, managing, and financing the public infrastructure projects and services.

The main objective of this policy is to draw and design the general framework for managing the partnership between the public sector and the private sector to ensure affording the achievement of efficiency gains in the execution of the projects and sharing these benefits that include :

  • Reducing the financial burdens on RAKTA’s budget.

  • Enabling the government to perform its strategic projects with high proficiency and effectiveness.

  • Distributing the project costs over a longer period.

  • Optimal distribution of risks.

  • Raising and improving the type and level of the services.

  • Encouraging innovation and foreseeing the future in performing the infrastructure projects for transportation and communication.

Quality and Environment

RAK Transport Authority is committed to achieving all the requirements of the quality and environment management system applied in RAKTA in accordance with International Standards ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015. It is also committed to the continuous improvement of quality and environment management system to enhance its performance in the field of the customers’ happiness and the happiness of the concerned parties, and to enhance the environmental sustainable development, and to make all its decisions and to practice all its activities and operations represented in enacting the legislations and in regulating and developing the transportation sector which ensures an integrated and efficient transportation sector in the Emirate and which represents the scope of the application of the quality and environment management system of RAKTA.

Moreover, RAKTA seeks to create the efficient integration between its activities, services and decisions on the one hand and the requirements of the quality and environment management system on the other hand through :

  • Maintaining a positive work environment that recognizes the importance of RAKTA’s contributions to the environmental, social and economic sustainable development at all levels.

  • Fulfilling all the legal, legislative, regulatory and other requirements related to the operations and activities of RAKTA.

  • Fulfilling the requirements, needs and expectations of the concerned parties in relation to quality and environment.

  • Preventing the accidents and injuries, and any harm to the human health and environment resultant from operations and activities of RAKTA, and proceeding in providing safe work circumstances to all the workers and in providing a healthy environment to all the concerned parties that deal with RAKTA.

  • Preventing pollution and preserving the energy and natural resources, and reducing the consumption of the natural resources, electric power, fuel, water, paper and inks to the minimum limits that help in the sustainable development and the improvement of the environmental performance of RAKTA.

The senior leadership of RAKTA undertakes to adopt a collection of the goals, programs, plans, priorities, initiatives and trends that would contribute to the continuous improvement in its practices and results in the field of quality and environment. It also commits itself to provide the necessary training to its personnel to ensure the effectual application of the quality and environment system in an efficient and effective manner, and to spread and enhance the positive culture for applying the system among all its personnel of their various administrative levels. It also undertakes to contribute to enhancing and spreading the culture of quality, environment and sustainable development to all the concerned parties (including the customers, suppliers, providers and partners) within the scope of its impact.

The policy of the quality and environment management system is proclaimed to all the concerned parties and understood all over RAKTA, and it will be revised periodically to ensure the continuity of its appropriateness.

Risk Management

The corporate risk management is related to the risk management culture of the individuals, operations, and structures directed towards the effective management of the potential opportunities and the negative impacts on the environment inside RAKTA. The objective of this policy is to illustrate and explain the main approach of RAKTA regards the risks and their management to meet the requirements of the effective governance.

Through this policy, RAKTA seeks to perform the practices (operations) of the overall corporate risk management of RAKTA, and to illustrate how to manage the risks, and the individual and functional responsibilities necessary for achieving the work objectives. This policy also summarizes all the guidelines and directives necessary for risk management. This policy directly supports the fourth strategic goal “triple sustainability”, and it also indirectly supports all the other strategic objectives.

The main motives for the corporate risk management of RAKTA are :
  • Ensure that the individuals and the departments identify and manage the risks necessary to achieve the objectives of RAKTA.

  • Improve the process of strategic and tactical decision making.

  • Fulfill the responsibilities of corporate governance.

Provide adequate guarantees for the concerned parties and stakeholders


Through this policy, RAKTA seeks to consolidate the sustainability procedures in RAKTA through highlighting the most prominent practices of sustainability in RAKTA, where RAKTA seeks to adopt the sustainability requirements in accordance with the strategic trends according to the best global practices, in order to present a positive model in all the fields of environmental, economic and social sustainability, towards enhancing the role of RAKTA as one of the local authorities in the domain of sustainability.

This policy lies within the framework of the quality system in accordance with the principle of planning, then implementation, then monitoring and verification, and then correction in order to ensure the continuous improvement and development. This policy supports the strategic objectives and goals of RAKTA under its strategic plan of 2020 – 2025 which includes the (triple sustainability and financial sustainability).

RAKTA as well aims to the regulation and governance of the sustainability applications in all work systems and all the organizational units and institutional operations. Moreover, this policy determines the required roles and responsibilities.

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